Activision et Infinity Ward ont décidé de mettre le paquet sur le grand retour de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, comme le révèlent les données du jeu.
En même temps, c’était pas dur
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare a l’intention d’occuper les joueurs, qu’on se le dise. Depuis sa récente sortie, le jeu continue d’attirer les foules et ça risque de durer, puisqu’un datamining a mis le doigt sur une foule de cartes et de modes à venir.
C’est grâce à l’utilisateur Reddit Senescallo que nous avons la liste complète des données censées représenter le futur de Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Attention, il n’y a aucune assurance que tout cela finira dans le jeu, il s’agit tout au plus de fichiers en prévision d’une future implémentation, mais vous savez bien que le développement d’un jeu est sujet à de nombreux changements.
- Cage (mp_m_cage)
- Cargo (mp_m_cargo)
- Hook (mp_m_hook)
- Exclusion Zone (mp_m_exclusion)
- Shoot House (mp_m_speed)
- Aniyah Tac (mp_aniyah_tac)
- Crash (mp_crash2)
- Dam (mp_dam)
- Krovnik Farmland (mp_farms2)
- Gulag (mp_gulag)
- Hospital (mp_hospital)
- Layover (mp_layover)
- Lowline (mp_lowline)
- Lumber (mp_lumber)
- Malyshev (mp_malyshev)
- Milbase (mp_millbase)
- Oasis (mp_oasis)
- Port (mp_port2)
- Prison (mp_prison)
- Rivne (mp_rivne)
- Shipment (mp_shipment)
- Shipmight (Day) (mp_shipment_am)
- Shipment (Night) (mp_shipment_pm)
- Slums (mp_slums)
- Stadium (mp_stadium)
- Sub Base (mp_subbase_lm)
- Super (mp_super)
- Urzikstan (mp_syrkistan)
- Torez (mp_torez)
- Transit (mp_transit)
- TV Station (mp_tvstation)
- Faridah (mp_faridah)
- Unnamed
- Rust (mp_rust)
- Takedown (mp_takedown)
- Borderline (mp_borderline)
Ground War
- Smetna Farms (mp_farms2_gw)
- Gun Course (mp_t_gun_course)
- Marksman Range (mp_t_sn_reflex)
En ce qui concerne les modes, c’est Charlie Intel qu’il faut consulter. 23 au total, probablement prévus pour une durée limitée pour une bonne partie.
- Showdown (gametype_showdown)
- Onslaught (gametype_onslaught)
- Incursion (gametype_incursion)
- Fireteam (+ Hardcore) (gametype_fireteam)
- Breach (gametype_breach)
- Arms Race (+ Hardcore) (gametype_arm)
- Team Juggernaut (gametype_tjugg): Each team has a Juggernaut. Juggernaut kills are worth more points. The first team to reach the score limit wins.
- Reinforce (gametype_siege): Capture points to revive fallen teammates. Taking all points will win the round.
- Rupture (gametype_rugby): Take control of a powerful Juggernaut and push to the enemy’s base to win.
- One in the Chamber (gametype_oic): Gain Ammo by eliminating enemies. Highest score wins.
- Invasion (+ Hardcore) (gametype_blitz): Take your team’s flag into the enemy team’s base.
- Infected (gametype_infect): Eliminated Survivors become Infected. Infect everyone, or survive the game to win.
- High Value Target (gametype_hvt): Gain score by eliminating players on the opposing team. Extract high value enemy combatants to steal score back.
- Gun Game (gametype_gun): Be the first player to score a kill with each one of the provided weapons.
- Grind (gametype_grind): Recover dog tags and take them to the objective marker to score for your team.
- Drop Zone (gametype_dropzone): Hold the Drop Zone to earn points and Drone Packages.
- Demolition (gametype_demo): Teams alternate in attacking and defending two bomb sites, both of which must be destroyed by the attacking team equipped with bombs.
- Defender (gametype_tdef): Capture the drone and hold it to upload data and earn points for your team.
- Search and Rescue (gametype_sr): Teams take turns defending and destroying an objective. Recover dog tags to allow or deny respawns.
- Capture the Flag (gametype_ctf): Get the enemy flag and return it to your base.
- Fire Mission (+ Hardcore) (gametype_btm): Eliminate enemies, capture HQ’s and extract VIPs to earn score for your team.
- Assault (gametype_assault): Attackers attack bomb site. Defenders defend!
- All or Nothing (gametype_aon): Spawn with a custom pistol, throwing knife and no starting ammo. Extra perks are gained on kills, but you lose everything on death.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare est disponible sur PC, Xbox One et PS4.